Unrequited love.

By N. Cardoso

“When you stop trying to change others and work on changing yourself, your world changes for the better.” ~Unknown

As much as we might want someone to fill a certain role in our lives, they have to want to do it. And if they aren’t, it’s our job  chanfe to change your lifeto recognize that so we don’t continually cause ourselves stress by trying to smash a square peg into a round hole.

Little in this world is more painful than wanting to be close to someone, but knowing that it’s a recipe for disaster. It’s harder when we think it could be so simple if that person could just realize how much we care and try, even if a little, to reciprocate it like we deserve.

But we generally don’t change when other people force us to do it; we change when we realize what we might lose if we don’t, and recognize that the discomfort of doing things differently is better than the pain of that loss.

We can’t make someone else make an effort. But we can make smart decisions for our own well-being. This may inspire someone else to change; it might not. Either way, we’ve honored the most important relationship in our lives: the one we have with ourselves.

“Good relationships don’t just happen. They take time, patience, and two people who truly want to be together.” ~Unknown


2 thoughts on “Unrequited love.

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  1. God have sent you for these words. Things I needed to hear, at this time in my life, He knows that I would not have been open to these words a time ago, but now. Thank you for your posts. They really speak to me.

    1. I cannot tell you how pleased I am the He has used me to brighten up your day. He is holding your heart the same way He has hold mine in my difficult times, inspiring me with many wonderful writers, quotes and signs. Be in peace my friend for He never leaves you, even in those moments you feel completely alone.

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