
ce74f-img_1724It only takes one small action, one single step and it can be the course change of a lifetime. Free the mind and soul, be open to new perspectives and possibilities.

If life is not moving in the direction we desire, if the things we dreamed of in the quiet of the night, in the secret of our hearts are not coming true, we must look inside. It is not the world around us that must change we must become the change we want to see…

Insanity, as Eisntein said, is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.

Until we move forward, overcoming our own restrict comfort zone, and have the courage to do the things we never did before, those dreams will only be fantasies we dream when no one is looking. Dare to embrace transformation.

A butterfly would never achieve its magnificence if it remained comfortably inside her own cocoon…it had to break the walls around it to be able to open its wings and fly…

Have a wonderful Friday. N. Cardoso 12/20/2013

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