Your life is an ocean.


Your life is an ocean, filled with unknown places and marvellous wonders. It is immense and rich of life and possibilities. We move along our lives hardly scratching the surface of this immense resource.

We are afraid of sharks, of monsters, of drowning, or maybe we just don’t swim as well as we would like to stride forward. Some will feel safer at the shore and will always look at the ocean wondering: “what if I?” “What if I silenced the voices that tell me that I Can’t and focused on the instincts that screams YES, YOU CAN?”

The shore doesn’t prevent us from the monsters, sharks or from the drowning we are so afraid of. Chances are  we will drown in a little pond with all the monsters we never faced all around, watching us instead.

No one ever said it would be easier, or that we didn’t have to take some deep breath to overcome some big waves that would come our way, or that we would understand the whys before, just because. Determination and courage to start one little inch at time, practice on overcoming the waves that will eventually crash upon us is what is required. With time we get the hang of it, we learn to jump with the waves and even tough for a moment we lose touch with the bottom, we know we are safe. It may take us to try few failed attempts, but, with time, we learn to relax a little more, even adventuring to lay flat on our back, floating and enjoying the warm waters and look at the blue skies above.

This is The Journey of YOUR life, there is only one ticket and your name is the one written on it. There are no do-overs, nor owner’s manual and there is an expiration date with no right to substitutions, exchanges or re-scheduling.

Listen to your heart and make the best of it with the tools you have at hand, right here, right now. We all get wrong before we can get it right. Don’t worry so much about the what it’s. Solutions have a keen way to show themselves up when problems appear. Be brave, sail free over the ocean that is your life and discover the place where you are meant to be, doing the things you were made to do. It is never to early nor too late to find yourself.

 N. Cardoso

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