Rather than life happening to you, you will happen to life.

Life never happens in a straight line.

Don’t you agree?

Zig-zag progression tends to be the way things come to pass. Well at least that’s my experience to date. Life is more like a yacht race, rather than a straight out sprint. Daily you have to respond to the winds of change that occur in order to reach your destination.

I recall a number of times in my own life where I literally hit a brick wall. There seemed to be no way over, no way under, no way around and that meant no way. And it was at that point that I could either crumple into a heap and give up, or I could reach deep down into the depths of my being and look myself eyeball to eyeball in the mirror and say this one thing.

‘ You got yourself into this mess and it is you that is going to have to get you out of this mess. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, trying to understand why this happened, or that you didn’t deserve or that life was not fair. There is no use blaming others or spend time trying to find a reason why the circumstances are what they are now. No blaming others for where you now find yourself, regardless of how you came to where you are no one put a gun to your head to get you there, you have walked every step o the way on your own two feet. In some point during the race, you have become complacent or too comfortable with yourself and others, avoiding to question yours and their reasons for doing and acting the way you or they were living life, that makes you responsible for allowing yourself to get here. So take responsibility and find a plan to remove this brick wall now.’

And do you know what? Each and every time I do this and some how I am given the strategy and strength that either gets me over, under or around the wall I have to face each day, and in some cases I have had face the wall and realize I must walk away from it because I was actually heading in the wrong direction.

But the defining difference to my circumstances and the empowering principle that filled my gas tank up again was when I took responsibility for my life, decisions and mistakes I made a definite decision as to how I am going to respond to my present circumstances.

Off course that as humans, we go through ups and downs, some times we get depressed with yet another mistake or yet another wall on the road….take the time…experience the pain…never forget the sensation and feeling that pain have caused, that alone will remind you to avoid the same mistake again, learn the lessons that are to be learned and when time is right then move on, forgive yourself and others, make a strike to find a solution to deal with the brick wall, you will know when the time is right be responsible for your choices and decisions.

I am responsible for where I am, I and not one else am responsible for where I choose to go. No one can live my life for me, no one knows what is best for me. Good intentions are all around but only I know what works for me, what makes my heart beat a little faster, what fulfills my spirit.

Like on a boat trip, plans have to be reviewed periodically to be adapted to unexpected and unpredictable changes in the weather, somehow during the trip we may have forgotten to check weather conditions, we have allowed ourselves to be eluded by the good weather and believed it could last without worries, or a keen eye to examine the true conditions, and we ended up here, not completely sure how it happened, lost or stuck in the ocean of life, yet in order to correct the wrongs, we ought to be responsible for the mistakes made and make rights out of the wrongs we have made along the way.

People change, we hopefully change, that’s evolution isn’t? We cannot lock life into a safe room to avoid the changes, life will, in time, die. What was right before might not be right now, that does not make the decision made than wrong….. but to hold on just because there is nothing else, or because you are afraid of starting over or because it has been so long…..that is what makes the choice to hold on a wrong one.

I must take responsibility for all my actions if I ever to grow and go where I need to go, in order to fulfill my destiny and reach my full potential.

For when I blame others for my current circumstances, or for not making a change in my own life, I empower those with a power that they never had. That’s an excuse I will tell myself to justify  my lack of courage, or my apathy towards life and the changes that comes with it and that weakens me I, then become suddenly the victim and not the victor.

Problems are for solving, and responsibility leads to opportunity. Empathy demands responsibility, and rather than being detached I can now suddenly become engaged, grasp the power I have and be responsible, be responsible for the glories and for the failures, it is all part of the package.

Rather than life happening to me, I will happen to life.

When I am responsible I am empowered, I am charged and I am positioned for great success.

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