Daily Prescription

By N. Cardoso 06/11/18

While I dislike everytime I have to get new prescriptions I also like it. It takes me a little time to get used to it and it can cause some uncomfortable dizziness I really don’t care about.

Overtime however, my eyes become accostumed to the last updated pair and things….well, thungs goes back to ‘normal’.

When I get a new pair of glasses it takes me about 2 weeks to adapt my sight to the it, but in those first few weeks the world around me becomes sharpened, more colorful and it is weird I know but it seems I can actually hear it better too.

Details usually disregarded are new again, letters become clearer and the world looks more colorful.

How wonderful would be if I could be reminded everyday that this is what life is.

Every leaf on a tree, no matter what, is different each day, the skies have always different details everytime I look at.

While I cannot get new pair of glasses every week, I can, everyday, remind myself to take a little time to stop, look around, lift my eyes, inhale purposefully and be aware of the world that surrounds me, for the beauty I see at this single moment will ever be the same.

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